Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Prayer Request

Today Dad, Nate and I went around visiting different people around Lima with Josue, and Papa Jon. It was an encouraging time, as well as pretty sobering.

While the three other guys were visiting one house, Dad and I were told that a lady we knew, that used to come to meeting, who lived right down the street wanted to talk to us. So, the two of us walked over there, and it ended up she´d been expecting us (even though we´d had no idea before someone over there had told us!).

As soon as everyone in the room had left but us, Dad asked her how she was doing. We weren´t quite expecting the response we got... she burst into tears, and started just pouring out her heart to us! For the first half hour we just got bits and pieces, but the more she talked, the more things started coming together, and made more sense.

It all started when she had kind of gotten stuff messed up with a guy she had been dating for five years. She knew what she was doing was wrong, and after talking with people from meeting, they told her she should marry the guy. She wanted to, and asked him to, but he did not want to, and ended up breaking off the relationship.

From there, she got in more trouble, and ended up getting pregnant with another guy. He did want to marry her, but she was still very much emotionally attatched to her first boyfriend. It ended up that the first one came back, and said that he really did want to marry her. I think she was very confused as what she should do- and ended up marrying him, instead of the father of her child. Because the marriage wasn´t built on a good foundation at all, and neither one actually loved eachother it only lasted 2 months, and in that time, her husband cheated on her, and she left him.

Because the father of her daughter really wanted to see his girl, she would always go and visit him. It was then she really thought that she was in love with him. So she moved back in with him, and they now have another son.

Now she is married to one guy who she really does not want anything to do with, and living with another man who she believes she loves, and she really thinks loves her. But, because of all that has happened, neither of them trust eachother, and there is a lot of tension in their relationship. She really wants to marry him, but she can not because she is married to somebody else, and it would be wrong. At the same time she knows that living with him is not what she should be doing either.

Her young daughter is constantly begging her to get married, so she can have a mom and a dad, and that they can be a normal family. Her not understanding breaks her mother´s heart. She says that is the hardest thing for her to deal with; how the consequences of what she´s done wrong are affecting her kids.

Another complication is the fact that she is living in the house of her mother-in-law´s house. The woman has occasional mental problems, and is extremly difficult to live with.

With all this stuff pressing on her, the lady we visited really does not know what to do. She has even arrived to the point of trying to take her own life! What was even worse was her daughter was right there when she was about to do it, and was trying to convince her not to do it. That would be such an awful feeling; knowing your mom is trying to kill herself!

Now she is really trying to turn to the Lord, and ask Him for direction for what she should do- ´cause she is pretty much in a pretty tight spot at the moment. She knows what she should do, but it is really hard for her to know how to do it. When she leaves the guy she is living with, she will have to support her two kids on her own.

It made me cry to see how much she really had repented, and really loves the Lord, and wants to please Him! When Dad was going to read Psalm 51, she recited the whole thing by memory!!

I felt so helpless (I said absolutely nothing the whole time she talked). What are you supposed to tell someone like that? You can´t just give her some cliche answer. It´s deep, and she is hurting so much... you can feel it. After Dad talked with her, and prayed with her, she seemed a lot more at peace. Oh man though, she was SUCH an example to me. Even though so much bad stuff has happend to her, it´s so amazing to see the faith she has in the Lord. You can see how much she´s struggling, but at the same time, she really is giving her burden to Him, and really trying with all her heart to trust Him with her family.

So please pray for her, and that she would feel the closeness of the Lord, and how much He cares, and loves her. Also, that she would have the strength to do what she knows what is right, even though it is going to be really hard.


Sjo said...

Will do, such a sad story. It will be so wonderful when there is no more sin and it's consequences to battle with. To have Christ be all and in all...what a day of rejoicing that will be! :D

Anonymous said...

I will pray - thanks for sharing it. Tell Bob thanks for the pics. We really enjoy them. It doesn't seem like you are so far away!! We will be checking your blog now for updates. =)
Love, A. Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Boy, what a mess. The Lord is able to bring her up out of that pit. It's so neat that she was able to pour out her story to someone who could listen and give advice from God's Word. When there's a caring heart, and someone who prays for you...I'm sure that meant so much to her. Love you, A. Kathy